Man of the year 2014
Man of the year 2014
Man of the year 2014
Man of the year 2014

Man of the year 2014

איתן אייזנברג
Eitan Aizenberg

Eitan Aizenberg is a geologist and family man. He is married and has three children and 14 grandchildren. In 1960, as a student at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem where he majored in Geology, mineralogy-petrography and chemistry, Eitan began working as a geologist at Naphta. The mapping work he performed on the Dimona-Arad (Juraba) Plateau as part of his master’s dissertation ultimately became a small gas discovery, known by the name of “Barbur” [Swan].

Eitan Aizenberg (Eisenberg) – Man of the year 2014

Following the Six Day War, Eitan – started working as Chief Geologist and Technical Director at Netivei Neft (Oil Routes), the government-owned company operating the Abu Rudeis (Belaim) oil fields in the Sinai Peninsula at the Gulf of Suez. While working at the company, he built up a technical team and, with the team’s help, together with – hundreds of field workers, doubled the – fields production to a maximum of 120,000 barrels of oil per day, which provided for the energy needs of the State of Israel in those days. He also initiated oil exploration in the Gulf of Suez and was the prospect generator of the offshore Alma oil field.

Between 1975 and 1979, he served as CEO of American oil companies that invested in oil exploration in Israel and Sinai. In this context, and in partnership with the company Hanna, he was one of the partners in the discovery of the Sadot onshore gas field, which served as a source of energy for the Israeli economy.

After the Sinai Peninsula was returned to Egypt, Eitan moved to the United States where he worked from 1979 to 1982 as a prospect generator in western Texas and a development geologist in East Texas. 

In 1983, the Clal Group recruited Eitan as CEO of an oil company that was  established to perform oil exploration in Israel.

Thereafter, through to 1992, Eitan was active in various private capacities, including consulting to foreign and local oil companies, non-geological commercial projects, and more.

In 1992, together with the Landau, Rotlevy and Tzafriri families, he established the Ratio Oil Exploration energy partnership (now Ratio Energies), in which he has served ever since as Senior Vice President of Exploration and Production. In this context, Eitan participated in several onshore wildcates (Exploration Wells), in some of which he also led the activity as operator.

In 1999, following the Noa gas discovery (made by Avner, Delek and Noble Energy), Eitan succeeded in convincing his Ratio partners to divert the company’s activities to gas and oil exploration in the Mediterranean sea, since he – for many years believed, that there was potential offshore for discovering significant volumes of hydrocarbons. 

It was Eitan who discerned the economic potential of the Leviathan geological structure and identified within it two prospects, the upper of which is today known as the Leviathan Discovery (The Leviathan Field ) and the other as the Deep Leviathan Prospect, which has not yet been drilled. The Leviathan field contains about 22 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of natural gas and to this day is considered the largest gas field in the Mediterranean. Eitan is Leviathan’s prospect generator and as such – known in the industry as the ‘Father of Leviathan’. Production from the Leviathan field commenced at the beginning of 2020, and it today provides natural gas to the Israeli economy as well as to Egypt and Jordan. The Leviathan field makes a huge contribution to the Israeli economy while also, and no less importantly, contributing enormously to reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in Israel and in neighboring countries, as well as to the geopolitical position of the State of Israel in the Middle East.

As of 2011, Eitan, together with his partners, the Rotlevy and Landau families, has also been active in the development of oil and gas exploration activity beyond Israel’s borders. In this context, Ratio Petroleum has operated and continues to operate in seven different countries around the world. In this sphere of Ratio Petroleum’s activity, Eitan discovered and analyzed the potential of the Guyana-Suriname Basin prior to the significant oil discoveries made there in recent years. This work, which he led, enabled Ratio Petroleum to acquire oil interests in the Basin and establish business partnerships with global -petroleum giants such as ExxonMobil.

Nowadays, in collaboration with the professional team he has nurtured over the years at the Ratio Group, Eitan is working on integrating renewable energy projects into the Group’s asset portfolio. He does so by drawing on geological and geophysical tools in combination with the vast knowledge he has accumulated over decades of endeavor. Today, most of Eitan’s efforts – are currently focused on initiating geothermal projects around the world.